Tuesday, October 19, 2010

BlackBerry's Playbook Look but dont touch

This slick looking device will be out in the US in early 2011 and it'll go International in the second quarter of the year,so we will have to wait for awhile to get our hands on it but I cant wait. BlackBerry are going to bring out the PlayBook in three versions : 16GB, 32GB and a 64 GB version. It will also have a 5300 mAh battery so it's going to at least equal if not better tablet rival's. The tablet measure's 5.1" * 7.6" * 0.4" and weights in at a staggering 400grams. The Playbook will be able to bring user's a "full web experience" with its fully hardware accelerated version of Flash 10.1. For all ye developers out there ye will be able to build Flash and AIR-based apps for the BlackBerry PlayBook on top the likes of Java and Web API's. Developers can begin their adventure with this amazing tablet as soon as today

Monday, October 18, 2010

Xbox 360 Kinect

The end of those annoying cords people are always stepping on and pulling in the middle of your game, no need to get up off the couch any more either with its motion sensors control it with your hands and voice. In early demo's you had to be standing for the Kinect to function because its sensor was keying off the base node located at the bottom of the spine to create its skeletal models but recently Microsoft updated its software libraries to key off the base of the neck so a player can be seated during game play. This is according to Andrew Oliver (Blitz Games Studios co-founder and CTO) when he gave an interview to Eurogamer stating that the current Kinect titles wont have this effect but there shouldn't be any issue for future games. I can only see a bright  future for the Kinect and looking forward to playing it. Its being released this November and all pre-orders are all already booked out.